Happy 18


Lacomma (=my company) celebrates its 18th birthday this summer and … I’m feeling generous!

I’ve been giving assertiveness courses for more than 10 years and … all this time people have been asking me to consider offering them online.  I never wanted to, because I believe assertiveness needs a ‘live’ component.

This year I’ve decided to go for it, and for Lacomma’s birthday, I’ve come up with something special! Summer school!

Buy the course between now and Sunday 10 PM (CET) and… you pay 97 EUR instead of 197 EUR!

For this price you get:

  • 4 modules with a lot of material: I will be giving you all the theory and models you need to communicate assertively.
  • Weekly Q&A sessions in a private Facebook group (this only during the summer school: Monday, July 22 to Saturday, August 31 – after that, there will be monthly sessions)

If you want to put the theory into practice, I will offer online individual and group sessions (NOT included in the price), where you can try out your difficult conversations in a safe environment.

HOWEVER… (also part of the birthday celebration): sign up before Sunday Midnight and … 5 of you will get a FREE private 1-hour session to practice!

This really is a no-brainer! Sign up now and celebrate together with me!

Maybe you’re thinking ‘I can’t do it right now. I’m going on holidays for 2 weeks. Can I do this later?

I’m afraid this particular offer is not coming back. The special price is valid until Sunday 10 PM (21/7 – CET). After that it goes up to 147 EUR until August 18 and then it goes back to ‘normal’ (=197 EUR). Now is also the only time there will be free weekly Q&A sessions… As from September, they will be monthly.
So even if you are stil going away now, or in August, buy the training now. You can start already, go on holiday, and continue afterwards. And… you might win one of the free coaching sessions!

(PS: do you speak/read Dutch – make sure to check out the offer here and win a book from my friend and colleague Thea Bombeek: ‘Hoe overleef ik mijn collega’s’ and… decide which questions I need to ask during a special interview!).

That’s all, folks! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a birthday party to attend!