Hello there!
When you find yourself on this page, chances are you listened to my interview with Helen Maffini, during “The Self Sabotage Cure Summit’.
If you would like to know more about my 5-step plan ‘Don’t believe everything you think!’, you can sign up below.
If you do so, for the next 5 days, you will find an email in your inbox. I will walk you through a process to help you deal with self sabotage. I would recommend you focus on one issue now. However, afterwards you can use the same 5 steps for any issue you might have experienced self-sabotage for.
Do sign up and see you soon!
Disclaimer: there might be 50 other ways to address this (and I hope to learn about at least 10 new ones during the summit). However: each step has been tried and tested and … is relatively easy. So … why not give it a go? Afterwards you can always mix and match ;-D