It is September 1 today. And often this date is linked to ‘back to school’. Some kind of a ‘new start’.
A bit like January 1. But you could also see it as a ‘trial run’ …
I like that.
Much less stress! ;-D
I’m going back to school as well. As from tomorrow, the corporate trainings are starting again.
I’m looking forward to it.
Both the trainings as such (talking about things I feel passionate about… and hopefully inspiring people while doing so…) but also the fact that I will be work with groups again. I quite like groups. It’s a different type of energy and interaction.
But before I say goodbye to this summer, I’d like to take a moment to pause and decide what I would like to take with me and… what I’d like to leave behind.
What did I like / is good for me and therefore I want more of it?
I really enjoyed my 5 days in Genoa. Did you know that, many years ago, I have lived in Italy for a while? I noticed it had been far too long. I missed it. And indeed, once I arrived, it really felt like being ‘home’ again (even though I had never been to Genoa).
And while it might be a bit difficult to plan this on a regular basis, I could try and find out which elements I would also like to incorporate into my life in Belgium.
- Walking: I used to walk much more. During covid I walked every day. I want to go back to (more or less) 10000 steps a day. It feels good. Despite the fact that it was very hot, I walked a LOT in Italy.
- Apart from the ‘physical’ aspect of the 10000 steps, I also love the ‘wandering around’ … walk around, follow my eyes, intuition and see where it takes me. Discovering things… savouring them… I did a lot of that in Genoa and … I could also do some of this here.
- And sometimes it was just too hot. Or I was tired. Then I would read on my bed, for hours… During the ‘school’ year I mostly read books for work and less for entertainment. Just because I enjoy reading. This too could change…
Do you see where I’m going with this? These are just some examples. There are more. I just want to inspire you.
And what would I like to do less of or differently?
I’ve realised that I got way behind on admin and … cleaning… Part of the reason was that the period before the summer had been really busy. At moments like that it’s very important to me to take good care of myself, to be able to keep going. On the other hand, I have to admit I can always come up with 1 or 2 things I’d rather do than … admin and cleaning… ;-D
That means that part of the ‘holidays’ was spent on that too.
I’d like to change this.
What are my options?
- Work less so I have more time for admin and cleaning… This being said, I think my job will always be a bit ‘seasonal’.
- I could delegate… but I’d rather not do that at the moment.
- I could start the habit of doing small chores on a regular basis, before they all pile up and seem totally out of control.
I’m going for the last option. And it will probably be a combination of dropping some bad habits and … implement some new ones.
Step by step.
What about you?
What would you like to take with you and what would you like to leave behind?
I invite you to take some time to think about it. And then pick something (if that feels right for you).
My advice would be not to start to big… It’s a trial run, remember?
Research has shown that you will more likely stick to changes when they are small. No need to be too ambitious.
What would you like to do on a daily (or weekly) basis, because you really enjoyed it during the summer?
And what would you like to do less off? Or more (my example of the chores) so that the next holiday will be even more of a holiday?
One step closer to the life you really want to live!
Start small, you can always make it bigger or add things later.
#youalwayshaveachoice #YAHAC
Good luck!
PS: Personally I will be using ‘Atomic habits’ from James Clear. You can look him up on Youtube. Or would you like me to do a webinar/workshop on the topic? Do let me know!