Let it SLOW, let it SLOW, let it SLOW…



As you probably know, this is the perfect time for New Year’s resolutions.

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

This year, however, I’m going to go for 1 word.

And it came to me during my walking meditation this week (hadn’t done one for a long time…): SLOW

SLOW is going to be my word for 2016. And writing about it now, should hold me accountable.


Well, the past trimester has been anything but SLOW. Lots of work, lots of travelling, rushing from one place to the other, trying to finish endless to-do-lists that only seem to get longer… And even though I’ve tried to keep on taking good care of my body, I have received some signals it’s time to SLOW down.

Now, don’t get me wrong: this won’t be easy. I walk fast, I talk fast, I eat fast… But that’s no excuse. “You always have a choice’” so… I’m going to give it a go.


I would even like to take this SLOW thing a bit further. A couple of years ago, I came across this acronym in the context of a mindfulness course. I liked it then and I like now: it totally fits my intention for 2016.

What did SLOW stand for? Stop – Land – Open – Wisdom

Stop. Often we are on the automatic pilot. We go on and on without taking a minute to take a step back to have a look at what we are doing. Is it really what we should be doing or how we should be doing it? Therefore it could be useful to (every once in awhile) stop whatever you are doing to …

Land. Land in the here and now, by focussing on your body and/or breath. Allowing some space to take a step back. In this space you need to …

Open. Open up to whatever you are thinking and feeling (emotions and sensations). What is going through your mind at the moment? Are these facts or possible limiting beliefs? Does whatever you’re doing ‘feel right’? Or could it be done differently and … possibly better? And becoming aware of all this will lead to…

Wisdom. If you take some time (= stop and land) and take all the information (=open) into account, your decision/response is going to be ‘wiser’ than when you stay on the automatic pilot. So… stop + land + open will lead to wisdom.

May 2016 bring a lot of ‘wise’ decisions.


What is YOUR word for 2016? Share below so we can hold you accountable!

If you would like to know more about mindfulness, click here for more info and here for a mini-course.

If you liked the above, you can sign up for more Tips & Tricks here. Looking forward to hearing from you!


I love my new job but I don’t like my new colleagues. What do I do?

Last week I had lunch with Mary. She had changed jobs since I last saw her and when I asked her how things were going, she said she liked it a lot. It was interesting, she got to know new people, and then I heard a slight hesitation… “However, I have problems with the new colleagues.”
After having been there for more than 6 months, she found it quite hard to ‘ignore’ these bad relationships, despite the fact that she liked the content. “I’ll try to hang in there for a while, but I don’t know if I’ll last long”, she said. A friend had told her she should leave as soon as possible. And then the question: “What do you think I should do?”

You know my tagline is “You always have a choice” but I also believe the choice should be yours… I might tell you what I would do but do I know for sure what I would do until I was really standing in your shoes?

I think there are several things to take into account.


When it comes to the nice job and the not so good relationship with the colleagues, let’s check what is ‘putting more weight on the scales’.
On the one hand there is the nice job. Which needs does it satisfy? Learning new things? Getting to know new people? Something else?
On the other hand there is the not so good relationship with the colleagues. Which needs are not met? Acceptance? Cooperation? …

As long as the balance leans towards the nice job, it would make sense to stay.

However, it’s important to keep on paying attention to the little signals the body will give you. Should you start to feel more and more stress, it may be time for a second evaluation, possibly with a different outcome.


Whenever confronted with a stressful situation, it’s important to take good care of your buffer: it will limit the impact of the stressors (In this case the colleagues’ behaviour). What does this mean? Take excellent care of yourself by sleeping enough, eating well, having a good network of friends, doing sports, etc…


The author Byron Katie talks about 3 types of business: my business, your business and God’s business.

The colleagues behaving a certain way is their business: not under your control… But that doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do that might have an impact…

  • Have you considered trying to look at them differently?
  • You might want to try out ‘Cognitive Restructuring’ or ‘Giving them a fish’…
  • You might want to try opening up to them, starting with a DESC… (in a non defensive way!).
  • Often people behave a certain way because their need is not met, they don’t feel ok… The moment they start to feel better, they are much nicer company…

In conclusion, dear Mary, I would suggest you start by analyzing your needs and then by having a second look at the 10 short videos of ‘Defeat your stress in 10 days’: they’ll give you a short summary of the concepts I proposed afterwards. I hope it helps! Good luck!


If you liked the above, you can sign up for more Tips & Tricks here. Looking forward to hearing from you!

3 tips for a healthy and yummy breakfast!

During the stress management courses, I always mention the importance of having a strong buffer. If you take good care of yourself, you’re less prone to stress. One way to do this, is to eat well. If you subscribed to ‘Defeat your stress in 10 days’ you might remember tip 3: “Eat well and keep the stress down”. (If you haven’t it’s not too late: you can do it here.)
Often people say: I don’t have the time to have a healthy breakfast.
Excuse me, I disagree and… to prove that to you, I’ll give you 3 recipes I use myself. And they can all be prepared in less than 4 minutes!

1. Granola, yoghurt and fruit


Nothing smells and tastes like home made granola… It’s very easy to make. My recipe takes 5 minutes to mix and 15 minutes in the oven. That’s it. And the fact that your house smells lovely afterwards is a total bonus!

What do you see on the picture?
– 4 table spoons of granola
– 1 portion of yoghurt (I take soy yoghurt but you can take whatever you want)
– Fruit (in this case I took fresh raspberries but it can equally be a banana , an apple, a pear, …)

So how long does that take to prepare? 1 to 2 minutes, depending on if you need to cut up some fruit or not…

There are many recipes on the Internet to make your own granola. You can find the one I use here. I like it that there are no rules, you make your own variation depending on what you like: you always have a choice! One remark: I only bake it for 15 min. at 175°C

Other sources: Deliciously EllaUit Pauline’s keuken

2. Green smoothies


I’ve been drinking green juice for years. Green smoothies are not called this way because of their colour, but because they consist of fruit and leafy greens (spinach, salad, …). When I tell this to people, they look at me in disgust… Spinach? In a smoothie?
Yes, and actually, spinach is an excellent choice: if you add this to a banana, some strawberries etc… I promise you, you won’t taste the spinach AT ALL! This is not the case for all leafy greens so… for ‘beginners’ certain recipes are better than others…
And it ticks all the boxes:
– It’s quick: it usually takes me 2 minutes to make and 1 minute to clean the blender (also interesting…)
– healthy (you might even reach your 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in one go…) and… by adding some vegetables to your fruit, you decrease the sugar intake.
– And it’s yummy!

My usual combo?

– Spinach or lamb’s lettuce (both rather neutral)
– Half a cucumber
– Some celery (if you like it, you do taste it a bit)
– A banana (sometimes frozen – ideal solution when you have too many bananas that are getting too ripe… They also make the smoothie nice and creamy)
– A pear
– Some (frozen) raspberries
– (if necessary some water)

This is a ‘common’ one but it might depend on the season or what’s in the fridge…

You can also add lots of different ingredients and ‘superfoods’: chia seeds, nut butters, protein powders, whatever you like…

For inspiration I can recommend the following sites:
Kris Carr: She has a digital recipe book with green juices and smoothies but there are also free recepties on the site
Simple Green Smoothies: a couple of times a year they have a free challenge and they send you 31 recipes…
Deliciously Ella
Julie’s lifestyle (both in English and Dutch!)

3. Oatmeal


Another favourite of mine. It’s quick (my version takes 3,5 minutes), it’s healthy (reduces risk of colon cancer, good for decreasing cholesterol, risk of high blood pressure and risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease) and it’s yummy because of the frozen raspberries I add…
But my main reason for eating it is it keeps me full for a long time (which is very important when you have breakfast at 6.30 am).

My ingredients?

– 1 cup of oats
– 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk (or soy milk. Of course you can also use ‘normal’ milk.)
– frozen raspberries

How do I make it?

I put the oats and the milk in the microwave oven for 2 minutes 15 seconds. (I know some people will object to the microwave but… I want it to be quick… I’m sorry. You do what you feel is right for you). And after I’ve added the frozen raspberries, it goes in for another 1 minute 15 seconds…
That’s it! When I use the unsweetened milk, I add some stevia. When I use the ‘normal’ versions, I don’t.

I have to admit that I like it a bit less when it’s 30°C outside but let’s face it: that doesn’t happen very often…
In that case you can choose ‘overnight oats’: google it and you’ll find a lot of recipes: you put the oats with some milk or yoghurt in the fridge so they soak overnight and in the morning you add whatever you want… You can even take it to the office and have breakfast there…

I know this post is a bit longer than usual but… you have 3 recipes in return. Have fun experimenting and feel free to share other combinations or ideas in the comments below!


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